Sep 13, 2018 - 9 Minute Read

Use Property based testing whenever you can!

Recently I had to implement some geometric data structures and algorithms in Rust so that I could use them in matto. In particular, I built a simple K-d tree, an algorithm to find the convex hull, the K-means clustering algorithm and a couple of polygon related utilities. Building such things is relatively easy for the most part, but the corner cases are really tricky to handle properly. In this post I’d like to show how I used property based testing to even recognize those corner cases.

Corner cases are hard

The first thing I had to implement was the K-d tree so I guess the story begins from there. To start off, let’s briefly discuss what a K-d tree is and what is used for. A K-d tree is a tree that’s used to partition k-dimensional points in a way that allows for fast range querying and nearest neighbors searching. Glossing over the details, a K-d tree is built by recursively partitioning the points by a plane of a different axis at each level of the tree. The algorithms for performing a range search or a nearest neighbors search are a bit more involved, but they both exploit the partitioning nature of the tree to prune which branches of the tree to visit in order to speed up the search. For a more detailed introduction Wikipedia has a good article on this.

The way I approached this problem was to first come up with an unoptimized, but readable version of a K-d tree, write some basic unit tests and eventually perform some optimizations. That’s what I did and I was feeling confident about the code being correct since all the unit tests I wrote were passing and the implementation was quite straightforward. There could be no bugs, I thought. I was wrong. As soon as I started using the K-d tree I immediately noticed some wrong results. I looked at the implementation again, hoping that I made some stupid errors that I could catch by just reading the code. I found nothing. After all, I wrote the code to be as straightforward as possible. I had to find some examples for which the K-d tree was misbehaving then. I don’t know about you, but I’m really lazy and searching for inputs that my code doesn’t handle properly is always annoying to me. If only there was something that could automatically find those corner cases for me…

Well, it turns out there is and it’s called property based testing!

This technique consists of wring tests that describe some properties of the thing being tested no matter what the actual value of the input is. For example, a property about the reverse operation on a vector could be that calling reverse twice should give the exact same input that we started with. In Python this might look like the following:

def prop_reverse_twice_is_input(arr: List[int]):
    assert list(reversed(list(reversed(arr)))) == arr

This might seem like nothing, but it’s a really powerful way to write tests because it shifts the focus from what the test data is to what we’re testing.

What’s super damn cool is that since you specify a type or model of inputs for which the property holds, the test framework is allowed to generate multiple different input values conforming to the model to test your function. Moreover, most of the frameworks also implement some form of input shrinking so that they try to find the minimal failing input that breaks the test.

This is exactly what I needed. I could write some simple properties about the K-d tree and let the testing framework do all the hard work of finding some inputs that break my tests. I needed a test framework though, but fear not. Rust has a great library ecosystem and it turns out there are multiple crates for property based testing. I decided to try proptest which seemed the most active. Spoiler alert: it’s really good!

I quickly came up with a test to test the nearest neighbor algorithm. After all, I know how to find the nearest point of another: I can iterate over all points in the tree keeping the ones with the lowest distance to the target point. This is really inefficient for large numbers of points(that’s why I needed a K-d tree after all!) but I don’t care about speed(too much) when running tests. The code I wrote looks like the following:

proptest! {
    fn prop_kdtree_nearest_neight_same_as_loop(
        points in proptest::collection::hash_set((0_u32..255, 0_u32..255), 1..100),
        to_search in (0_u32..255, 0_u32..255)
    ) {
        same_as_nn_brute_force_loop(points, to_search);

fn same_as_nn_brute_force_loop(points: HashSet<(u32, u32)>, to_search: (u32, u32)) {
        let points = points
            .map(|(x, y)| (PointU32::new(x, y), ()))

        let tree = KdTree::from_vector(points.clone());
        let to_search = PointU32::new(to_search.0, to_search.1);

        let tree_closest_point = tree.nearest_neighbor(to_search);

        let brute_force_closest_point = points
            .min_by_key(|(pt, _)| pt.squared_dist::<i64>(&to_search));


        let brute_force_closest_point = brute_force_closest_point.unwrap().0;
        let tree_closest_point = tree_closest_point.unwrap().0;


I know it’s a lot of code to digest, but the idea should be easy to understand. Given a set of points and a point to find the nearest neighbor of, then the K-d tree implementation of the nearest neighbor should match the brute force implementation. Note that the implementation doesn’t assert that the two methods return the same point, since there could be more points at the same distance from the target one.

I ran the test suite again and bam! The test failed because proptest found multiple inputs for which the K-d tree was giving the wrong results. Awesome! I debugged the problem with the smallest input that proptest showed me and then I quickly realized and fixed the bugs.

I did the exact same thing to test the range query function and the results were the same: proptest found inputs for which the tests failed, I debugged those minimal failing inputs and fixed all the things! Here’s the test if you’re curious:

proptest! {
    fn prop_kdtree_in_range_same_as_loop(
        points in proptest::collection::hash_set((0_u32..255, 0_u32..255), 0..100),
        rect in (0_u32..255, 0_u32..255, 0_u32..255, 0_u32..255)
    ) {
        same_as_range_brute_force_loop(points, rect);

fn same_as_range_brute_force_loop(points: HashSet<(u32, u32)>, rect: (u32, u32, u32, u32)) {
    let points = points
        .map(|(x, y)| (PointU32::new(x, y), ()))

    let tree = KdTree::from_vector(points.clone());
    let range =
        BoundingBox::from_dimensions_and_origin(&PointU32::new(rect.0, rect.1), rect.2, rect.3);

    let mut contained_points = tree.in_range_iter(&range).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    let mut brute_force_contained_points = points
        .filter_map(|(pt, val)| {
            if range.contains(pt) {
                Some((pt, val))
            } else {

    sort_points(&mut contained_points);
    sort_points(&mut brute_force_contained_points);

    assert_eq!(contained_points, brute_force_contained_points);

Document by testing

Then I had to implement the algorithm to find the convex hull of a given set of points. The algorithm was easy to implement, but as usual the devil lies in the details. Especially if we’re talking about geometry ;) .

I wrote a first implementation and then I started wondering about which properties I could use to test it with. It turns out the definition of the convex hull is itself the best property I could use! Let me quote the relevant parts from Wikipedia:

the convex hull of a set X of points is the smallest convex set that contains X

Unfortunately that property relies on a function that I didn’t have at the time that is the function to check whether a point lies inside a polygon or not. Since I’m a lazy guy, I procrastinated and implemented a simpler property that stated that all the points of the convex hull should be in the original set of points.

proptest! {
    fn prop_convex_hull_lies_on_boundary(
        points in prop::collection::vec((0_u8..255, 0_u8..255), 1..100)
    ) {

fn _prop_convex_hull_lies_on_boundary(points: Vec<(u8, u8)>) {
    let points = points
        .map(|(x, y)| Point::new(x, y))

    let hull = convex_hull(points.iter().map(|p| p.cast::<f64>()));

    for pt in hull {
        let pt = Point::new(pt.x as u8, pt.y as u8);

        let on_boundary = points.iter().find(|h| **h == pt).is_some();


It’s not as comprehensive as the definition since it doesn’t ensure the convex hull is correct, but proptest was still able to find a nasty bug when there are multiple points on the same y. Impressive.

Eventually I had to implement the polygon contains method anyway, so I was also able to add the following test which closely matches the definition of a convex hull.

proptest! {
    fn prop_convex_contains_all_the_points(
        points in prop::collection::hash_set((0_u8..255, 0_u8..255), 3..100)
    ) {
        let points = points
            .map(|(x, y)| Point::new(f64::from(x), f64::from(y)))

        let hull = convex_hull(points.clone());
        prop_assume!(hull.len() > 2);

        let hull = Polygon::new(hull).unwrap();

        for pt in &points {

Look at that! Not only it’s an incredibly small and valuable test, but it’s awesome documentation too! It’s exactly what the users of the function should expect from a convex hull, nothing more and nothing less. I’m not a big fan of documentation but I’m more than happy to write tests that are also good documentation.

Luckily this test didn’t find any bugs in my convex hull implementation, but it did find some in my polygon implementation! Wonderful, not only it consolidated my convex hull implementation that I was already using, but it found bugs in the new algorithm I was developing(which also had some unit tests)! This was one of the few occasions that I felt happier than sad after having seen my tests fail :) .

This also shows another advantage of property based testing: the same test can actually cover multiple algorithms. In fact this test ensures that the polygon contains method is coherent with my convex_hull implementation. This means that I don’t need to write a bunch of other tests for contains because a lot of cases are already covered by the convex_hull test. Less code to write and maintain, yay!


I already used property based testing before in Haskell and I always liked the idea. However, the problem domain was different and I don’t think I fully appreciated the power of this tool. After this experience, I can definitely say that I’ll empower this technique as often as possible because it allows me to use a mentality where I can just write the algorithm and then let the test framework verify it holds the properties. It’s a primitive version of a formal proof if you wish.

Property based testing isn’t perfect though, there are a couple of gotchas to keep in mind:

  • it’s not deterministic. Given that inputs are pseudo-random it’s totally possible to see the test fail and succeed without any code changes at all. Most of the people don’t like this, because nobody likes flaky tests. I think this is actually a good thing though, because the test is failing for a real bug and not because the test is not robust enough.
  • it’s not exhaustive. It’s possible that the properties we are able to test do not cover all the code paths that we’d like to. Besides fine tuning the test model I think the best way to go is to create different models to exercise even the same property under different inputs. If that’s still not possible, unit testing is still an option.

To put an end to this disconnected rambling, I don’t think you should use property based testing for everything you write, but I encourage you to try at least. I think that having a test suite that’s composed by unit tests and property tests is really worth it and it can find bugs you never thought of in the first place!