Jan 7, 2018 - 2 Minute Read

2018 Resolutions

I’ve just finished watching Interstellar for probably the 7th time since it came out and I really enjoy it every time. The soundtrack is amazing and it adds a completely new dimension to the movie. The plot is literally mind blowing, but I know that a lot of people don’t get it. I don’t care, I understand the amount of pieces I need to find it interesting and that’s enough for me. It should come as no surprise that Interstellar is one of my favorite movies. If you haven’t watched it yet then stop reading and go watch it.

Anyway, I’ve digressed enough, let’s talk about new my year’s resolutions. I know I’m kind of late to the party since 2018 started more than a week ago, but here I am nonetheless. The reason why I’m writing this down is that I believe that by sharing it publicly I’ll feel obliged in actually pursuing my goals. So here are my new year’s resolutions:

  • first of all, I’d like to start writing blog posts for real this time. I actually started this blog more than a year ago, but I only published a single post since then. The reasons why I want to have a blog didn’t change. I find myself thinking a lot about many different problems and I think that by writing them down they’ll become more clear in my head. If other people find them interesting then that’s a bonus point 😄. I also want to improve at writing(in English) and at exposing ideas in general. I think I’m pretty bad at the latter and I really want to improve.
  • I plan on doing some public talks mostly for the same reasons I want to have this blog. I already have some ideas for an introductory workshop on functional programming concepts. Stay tuned for a blog post in case I give this talk.
  • build something useful. I feel like I didn’t build or learn much in the past year and that really sucks. I definitely want to do something this year though. Whatever I’ll build, I’ll use either Haskell or Rust, because those are my top 2 languages as of now. I know this is pretty vague, but bear with me.

Let’s hope for a great new year!